Posted on 10/24/2016

AAA Expert William Van Tassel, Ph.D., provides five tips on staying safe on snowy roads. No matter if you grew up in the blistering cold of Western New York winters or on the sunny coast of Southern California, driving in snow, sleet, and ice can be dangerous to even for the most experienced fleet driver. Automotive Fleet reached out to one of the experts at AAA, William Van Tassel, Ph.D., to find out the top five winter driving mistakes to keep in mind when traveling down the highways, byways, country roads, and city streets during this wintery season. Mistake No. 1: Not Adjusting Speed to Conditions The speed limit is just a start; drivers need to adjust their speed to match their immediate driving conditions. The three factors that should always be considered are visibility, traffic, and traction. Solution: If visibility is minimized or if the road is wet, snowy, or icy, you should slow down significantly. This will give you ... read more
Posted on 10/18/2016

When looking for great car tips we stumbled upon this article written by Bryan Black for We think he has some really great tips that can be helpful to our readers! As I type this, an “arctic air invasion” is pushing its way south to us in Texas, leaving much of the country feeling as cold as a mid-winter’s day. While I’m sitting here thinking of the precautions and preparations I’ll take for the impending cold spell, I wanted to share a list of the most important items I carry with me and how those correspond to preparing for cold weather. During an emergency is a lousy time to think of all the things you should have been carrying. The important thing is not to wait until the last minute to prepare. 1. Keep Your Vehicle Serviced This is a pretty comprehensive step, but extremely important, nonetheless. Keeping your vehicle serviced includes ensuring your fluids are changed at the proper intervals and topped off where applicab ... read more
Posted on 10/14/2016
There's no getting around winter. Instead of dreading it, prepare for it. The changing of the seasons is a great time to check out what your car needs to gear up for cold, wet, winter driving conditions. Do this before the first flake falls because small problems you ignored during warmer months could grow worse, leaving you stranded when the temperature plummets. A few simple tips could keep your car running all winter long. Take your car to a mechanic and check out the following: battery, antifreeze level, thermostat, heater, brakes, and defroster. Check to make sure your tires have adequate tread. If the treads are worn, replace them. Better yet, exchange them for a set of snow tires which have treads that provide better traction and are equipped to handle extreme winter driving conditions. Make a visual inspection of your vehicle's lights. Make sure the front and rear lights are operational, especially the car's flashing hazard lights. Often in the winter, the wind ... read more