Although the whole, “Jetsons,” thing hasn’t seemed to pan out just yet, there are some pretty spectacular technology trends to hit the auto market next year.
See which top five are invading 2017’s auto industry!
1. Apple and Google Takeover
There’s been a lot of debate within the auto industry about whether or not Apple and Google are about to take over our cars as well.
Rumors are swirling that Apple is working under the guise of “Project Titan,” in order to create a new Apple car.
Can you imagine the pressure to fit in? You’d need to buy the latest model of an Apple car every year and a half, which almost looks identical to the one you already have. My anxiety over this is almost the equivalent to Eli Manning watching Petyon win the Superbowl.
We’ll have to wait a little later than 2017 to find out if these mega companies decide to produce cars of their own. The Apple project seems to be getting the brakes, while Google is more interested in selling off the technology they developed for their self-driving cars.
Regardless of whether or not either company decides to manufacture cars, Apple and Google both released programs that allow you to be more connected to your car.
Apple CarPlay and Android Auto are already available in select cars. This new technology connects the home screen of your phone to the media center in your car. Both programs allow you to use the functions of your phone by displaying available content, such as emails, music, texts, phone calls, etc.
2. Talkative Technology Trends
Did you know that cars can talk? Well, technically not yet, but the technology is in the works.
One of the top new safety features for cars is a system that allows your automobile to talk to other cars on the road. The new program is called V2V or Vehicle to Vehicle Communication.
The technology alerts the car and driver that another vehicle is about to make a careless move, such as running a red light. In short, this technology allows automobiles to notice a crash before the crash happens.
So far, the government has spent over one billion dollars on the prototype and research for V2V.
Researchers believe that this new technology holds the power to stop almost 80% of naturally occurring accidents.
Read more about V2V Technology here
3. Perfecting the Self-Driving Car
There’s a lot of controversy over self-driving cars. Personally, they sort of freak me out, but I’m always up for new things and I think combined with V2V they could actually be a fantastic development for automobile safety.
We can expect more of this technology in 2017. Volvo and Audi are already producing models that are driver-less.
There’s really not an automotive company who isn’t researching and developing autonomous cars. It is the wave of the future.
It’s predicted that by 2025, all new cars will be equipped with this technology.
But get this – Uber’s CEO announced that he believes that by 2030, all of the cars that readily pick you up will be driver-less. My brain can’t even fathom being picked up by no one and driving off to the airport. Who will you awkwardly have conversations with for 15 minutes?
Read more of the interview with Uber’s CEO here.
To read the rest of this article and discover more of 2017 projected car tech trends go to providenceautogroup.com