We know that most drivers like to grab a coffee on their way to work, and it's highly likely that once in a while (or more often than desired) most will experience spills. This great article that All Tech Automotive wanted to share with you comes from the Allstate Blog.

Quick Fix: Clean Coffee Stains Out of Your Car Mats
If you like to enjoy a morning cup of coffee in the car as you drive to work, start your errands or drop the kids off at school, you’re not alone. But, because we’re all human, this multi-tasking can sometimes lead to coffee spills on the carpets.
Don’t worry! The below step-by-step guide may be able to help you clean those stains right up. But, as Autoblog.com indicates, the method varies based on whether you drink your coffee with milk or not.
Note: Do not attempt to clean up any spills while driving. Wait until you have stopped your car to perform the steps below.
Step 1
Soak up as much of the spill as possible, as quickly as possible, using a towel and pressure from the palm of your hand or fist. According to Autoblog.com, this will help keep the spill from spreading.
Step 2
If your coffee was black or contained no milk, Autoblog.com suggests mixing a solution of 1/3 white vinegar to 2/3 water in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture onto the stain and blot again with a clean towel.
Step 3
Let the vinegar mixture soak for a few minutes.
Step 4
Lightly rinse with cold water.
Step 5
Using a new towel, blot the area again until it is dry.
If you drink your coffee with milk, you’ll need to complete an extra step in this process. According to Autoblog.com, prior to applying the vinegar mixture to the stain, you should first use a spray bottle to apply a mixture of a teaspoon of enzyme detergent and a cup of water. Allow that to sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Then, using a towel, blot up the spot and use a light brush agitation if needed. This extra step helps to break up the protein stain from the milk, according to the site.
Click here to view the original article.